一、单选题 (共1题,共5分)


I don’t like math _______ it’s too difficult .

A.but B.and C.so D.because

二、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  One afternoon just before Christmas an old man was walking through the city center.The _______ were all filled with good things and crowded with  _______ shoppers. Suddenly he saw a dirty boy_______ on the ground crying sadly. When the kind old man asked him why he was crying, the little boy told him that he had _______  the ten-penny (便士) piece that his uncle had _______ him. At once the old man_________ out a handful of coins. He  _______ out a shining new ten-penny piece and handed it to the poor child."Thank you very much," said the little boy, drying his _____________ He cheered up at once.

About an hour ___________, the old man was on his way back home by the same road. To his surprise he saw the dirty boy in the same place, crying sadly as before . He went up to the boy and asked him if he had lost ten-penny piece he had just given him . The boy told him that he had not lost the second coin ________ he still couldn't find the first one. "If I could find my own piece," he cried, "I would have twenty pennies now."

【1】A.streets B.houses C.shops D.parks

【2】A.angry B.cheerful C.surprised D.sad

【3】A.sit B.sitting C.lie D.sleep

【4】A.spent B.left C.paid D.lost

【5】A.owned B.found C.given D.lent

【6】A.took B.brought C.lent D.borrowed

【7】A.picked B.made C.gave D.left

【8】A.hands B.clothes C.eyes D.nose

【9】A.before B.later C.past D.ago

【10】A.and B.as C.so D.but

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