外研版英语七年级上册Module Unit同步练习
一、句型转换 (共1题,共5分)



【1】My_father can use my computer on Sunday.(对画线部分提问)

________can use __________ computer on Sunday?

【2】Lucy goes to the movies three_times_a_week.(对画线部分提问)

_______________________ Lucy go to the movies?

【3】There is no computer in my home.(改为同义句)

There _______________computer in my home.

【4】We do our homework at_8:30 at night.(对画线部分提问)

________do you_________your homework at night?

【5】Tony sometimes uses his computer to watch_movies.(对画线部分提问)

_____________Tony______________his computer to _______?

【6】She goes to school by_bike every day.(对画线部分提问)

______________ she_________ to school every day?

二、单词拼写 (共1题,共5分)



【1】Bob is the first___________(顾客)of this shop.

【2】I like all kinds of_________(音乐).So does my sister.

【3】There are many people in this_______(衣服)shop.

【4】On a _________(夜晚)like this I want to stay forever(永远).

【5】Ella is our new classmate and she is from__________ (澳大利亚).

【6】__________(有时候)we play table tennis in the PE class.

【7】My father __(计划)to go to Beijing this summer.

【8】Lily and Lingling________(经常)go to the movies on Sunday.

【9】Ben usually searches information on the ________(因特网).

【10】Shall we_________(旅行)together?

三、短文填空 (共1题,共5分)



Lisa is a girl from  【1】(澳大利亚).Her father has got a computer at home. She can  【2】(共用)it with her father. Her father works in a big  【3】(公司).He often talks with his 【4】(顾客)on the Internet. Sometimes he also buys 【5】(火车)tickets on  the Internet. He uses the computer almost every day. But Lisa can only use it on  【6】(星期六)and Sundays. She usually searches for 【7】(信息)for her homework or  【8】(发送)email to her friends. Sometimes she watches movies on the Internet instead of going to the  【9】(电影院).But she never plays 【10】(游戏)on it.

四、完型填空 (共1题,共5分)


  I have a computer at home. And I can use it to _____ lots of things. I often use it to do my homework. Sometimes I go online and download(下载)some _____ for my lesson. It _____me a lot. Now I'm a good student in _____ class. My grades(分数)are good. When I have time,I will _____ my computer. I usually listen to music. And sometimes I also watch _____ matches on it. Football is my favourite sport. I never play computer games,because I think it's bad for my _____.My brother likes watching _____ movies on the computer. He thinks it helps _____ learn Chinese better. On weekends,we don't use the computer. We usually go out to have a picnic in the park or go ______ near the river.

【1】A.buy B.write C.check D.do

【2】A.furniture B.information C.toys D.music

【3】A.helps B.saves C.likes D.calls

【4】A.my B.his C.her D.your

【5】A.turn up B.turn off C.turn on D.turn down

【6】A.basketball B.football C.tennis D.volleyball

【7】A.ears B.mouth C.feet D.eyes

【8】A.English B.American C.Chinese D.Japanese

【9】A.her B.me C.him D.us

【10】A.fishing B.shopping C.skating D.sleeping

五、阅读理解 (共1题,共5分)


  Playing computer games is a lot of fun. It is very popular with children. They love to play them in their free time. Here are some important things for you to remember when you play computer games.

First, don't spend too much time playing computer games. It is bad for your eyes. Taking a break after playing for 40 minutes is good for you.

Second, you need to learn English well. Many computer games show only in English. If your English is very poor, you can't know more about it.

Third, don't leave your personal(个人的)information on the Internet. Some bad guys may use it to hurt(伤害)you.

Follow these tips, and you can be a happy computer game player.

【1】We should take a break ______  when we play computer games.

A.every 20 minutes B.every half an hour C.every 40 minutes D.every two hours

【2】How can we know more about computer games?

A.By learning English well.

B.By asking teachers for help.

C.By playing computer games all the time.

D.By playing computer games with more friends.

【3】We should not leave our personal information on the Internet because ______.

A.someone may know us well

B.the information may be lost

C.someone may ask us to do bad things

D.the information may be used by bad people

【4】How many tips does the writer give us?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

六、 (共1题,共5分)



【1】I like_________ (listen) to music to have a break.

【2】Do you want___________(share)your pictures with us?

【3】We can get__________(many)information  from the Internet.

【4】She never plays computer ________(game)because it's bad for study.

【5】His father is a worker and he__________(work)on a farm.

【6】Please__________(make)a list(清单)before you go shopping.

【7】They_________(visit)Beijing Zoo on the weekend.

【8】He usually_________(go)on the Internet to talk to his friends.

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