秋英语(Go for it)九全Unit (广东)阅读理解专练及答案(共页)

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第Ⅰ卷 客观题


How often one hears children wishing they had grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets(悔恨).

Youth(青年时期) is a time when there are few things to make life difficult If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. Life is always showing new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do, he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished(惩罚) for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to make his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison(监狱). If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position(地位) in society.

【1】Who is the happiest person?

A. The old people who wish they were young again.

B. The children who wish they had grown up.

C. The person who enjoys what each age gives him.

D. The person who wastes his time.

【2】When people were young, they used to ___________.

A. face a lot of difficulties   B. have easy lives

C. deal with many businesses   D. look after their parents

【3】Children may feel pain when they are ___________.

A. not allowed to do everything that they like

B. given too much

C. looked after whatever they may do

D. too well-known

【4】If a child breaks the laws of his parents, he will ___________.

A. be sent to prison   B. be punished

C. work hard   D. go hungry

【5】When the young man starts to make his own living, he should ___________.

A. not build up his own position in society

B. spend most of his time playing

C. not keep out of trouble

D. pay for everything himself


"Can I see my baby?" asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldn't believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.

Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, "A big boy called me a freak(畸形物)."

The boy's father asked the family doctor, "Could nothing be done? "

"I believe I could graft(植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten," the doctor said. They tried to find a person who would be helpful for the young man.

One day, his father said to the son, "You're going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is."

The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.

He would ask his father, "Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her."

"I do not believe you could," said the father. "The agreement was that you are not to know…not yet."

The years kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.

"Mother said she was glad she never had her hair cut," his father said in a low voice, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?"

【1】The sentence "…a new person appeared." means "___________."

A. new baby was born in the hospital

B. a stranger came into the hospital

C. a new doctor took care of the boy

D. the boy came to live a new life

【2】Why did the boy's mother never have her hair cut?

A. Because she liked her thick, brown hair.

B. Because her work didn't allow her to do that.

C. Because the hair was good for her health.

D. Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret.

【3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The boy couldn't hear without ears at first.

B. The boy didn't know the truth until his mother died.

C. His parents often encouraged him to work hard.

D. His classmates were always making fun of him.

【4】Which is the best title for the passage?

A. A Clever Boy   B. Kind Parents

C. Great Love   D. An Ear Operation


In today's Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow. Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns throughout Asia. Facing the pressures of school and life, people turn to the virtual(虚拟) world, expecting a diversion from these problems. Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions.

This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. The country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It also has a high number of online game players and related problems. In 2002, a young man collapsed(突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet café. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12-year-old boy stole $16,000 from his father and ran away from home. He did this to continue his obsession(着迷) with an online game. Such problems, however, don't just happen in South Korea. They are spreading to other parts of Asia, as well.

What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look like? Dr. SueHuei Chen, a clinical psychologist, researches Internet addiction. She discovered some signs of at risk individuals such as lack friendships and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive(极有趣的) to play online games that they could sacrifice(牺牲) things such as school or family. They feel the need to spend more and more time online. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the potential number of problem online gamers is alarming. In 2004, the China Daily reported that China had 13.8 million online game players. Further more, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

Make sure to keep control over your online game playing. If you don't control it, it can get control of you.

【1】What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A. The disadvantages of the Internet.

B. The online game problems in Asia.

C. The popularity of online games worldwide.

D. The cause of online game addiction.

【2】The underlined word "diversion" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. career   B. comfort   C. escape   D. support

【3】According to Paragraph 2, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Online violence is blamed for the young killer's wrong action

B. Online game playing is responsible for the young man's death

C. People in South Korea have access to the Internet most easily

D. The teenage boy stole money due to his playing games online

【4】What can we learn from the passage?

A. Most people in Asia have developed an addiction to online games.

B. Online game addictions cause many life-and-death problems in South Korea.

C. Lonely and unsocial people seem to more easily develop Internet addictions.

D. In the year 2004 there were a total of 13.8 million Chinese visiting the Internet.


Happiness is for everyone. You don't need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.

In fact happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them you can see that happiness is always around you.

Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy because you have something else that can't be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can't say loudly you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge yourselves. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you will be a happy and lucky person.

【1】Happiness is for ___________.

A. all people

B. those who have a lot money

C. those who have large and beautiful houses

D. those who have cars

【2】When you do something wrong, ___________.

A. you have no chance to challenge you

B. people around you will help you

C. your classmates will laugh at you

D. you will be happy

【3】"Happiness is not the same as money" means ___________.

A. money doesn't always brings happiness

B. money always brings happiness

C. everything can be always bring happiness

D. only rich people have happiness

【4】Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Life and Success   B. Happiness and Luck

C. Do Something Good to Others   D. Happiness


Every country has its heroes. The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire. If you get a list of the heroes of a nation, it will tell you the potential(潜力) of that nation.

Today in America, if you ask the high school students to list their heroes, their choice would probably fall into three groups. The first group of heroes would be the rock stars---the people connected with rock music. There is no doubt that such people do have talent(天才) but one wonders if one should hold up rock stars as a model. The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good. The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles. However, one should seek(寻觅) more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes.

A second type of hero for the American youth is the sports star. Again you have a person who has a great ability in one area---sports. However, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of a disorder(混乱). Too frequently(频繁) drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.

A third type of hero is the TV or movie star. This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome. However, the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they should not be held up as a model of young people. Today, the rock star, the athlete(运动员), and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America. Really, do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor, a teacher, or a scientist? These people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes. However, they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.

What is really sad is that the young try to imitate their heroes. They like to wear the same clothes and follow their styles. If the heroes of today for the American young people are limited only to rock stars, athletes and actors, the future does not look too bright.

【1】From the passage, we know that the heroes the American youth admire are those ___________.

A. who are not bright but are good -looking

B. who are rich but are strict with themselves

C. who are talented in some area but lead an improper life

D. who are perfect in all areas

【2】It can be inferred(推断) that the American young people will not admire ___________.

A. a university professor   B. a poplar singer

C. a football player   D. a film actress

【3】According to the writer, people should admire those ___________.

A. who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothes

B. who can express people's feelings

C. whose personal life is good

D. who work in the interests of the people

【4】What does the underlined word “imitate” mean in Chinese in the passage?

A. 喜爱   B. 模仿   C. 崇拜   D. 迷恋


Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they're not as close to their parents as before. They even don't think their parents are fair(公平的) to them.

Some students complain that their parents often say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say their parents don't allow them to play computer games when other classmates are doing that. Others say when they're making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if they're speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home because they're afraid to tell their parents when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams. Then they usually think running away is the only choice(选择). But they don't know running away may bring them some more problems.

Problems are parts of life. Here are some suggestions for you to solve your problems.

1) Find a good chance to talk with your parents. Don't be afraid to tell them your feelings.

2) Get help from others like good friends or teachers.

3) Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.

4) Show your parents you're growing up. Then they'll feel you're no longer a small child. If you follow the advice, you'll have a happy life and never think of running away.

【1】According to the article, ___________ are the closest people to an only child.

A. teachers   B. classmates   C. parents

【2】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Parents don't love their children now

B. Middle school students don't have any problems

C. Some students don't think their parents are fair to them

【3】We'd better ___________ if we have problems with them.

A. talk with our parents

B. quarrel with our parents

C. leave our parents

【4】Why does the author advice us to keep a diary?

A. Because it's our homework

B. Because it can help us practice writing

C. Because it can help us understand ourselves better

【5】This article is about some middle school students' ___________.

A. friends   B. hobbies   C. problems


Everyone is afraid of something.

Tommy, 11, is afraid of the dark. Rachel ,11, is most afraid of the big jellyfish (水母)in Australia. Morgan, 9 ,wishes she would stop being afraid to ride a bike on busy streets.

What’s fear ? Fear is a feeling that everyone has, and that’s a good thing because fear is there to protect us . When the fear comes ,it  means we may meet something dangerous.

For the fear of dark , a kid could have much imagination .What’s under my bed ? Is there someone breaking into (闯入)my house ? With the help of a parent , kids can get more comfortable in the dark. Using a night light to see that there’s nothing there can also help fight that fear.

For other fears ,we needn’t fight . If you’re afraid to ride your bike on a busy street ,you’re right ! You should be afraid because it’s dangerous. There’s no need to fight a fear like that . Find a better place to ride.

It’s also ok for Rachel to be afraid of the big jellyfish because it’s really dangerous . But it lives only in some waters. So when she’s not swimming in one of them ,there should be no worries about the big jellyfish.

Here is some advice about fighting fears from kids.

Monique,10, says when you are scared, just think about happy times . Eight-year-old Jessica finds that taking a deep breath helps when you’re scared. Amanda ,10, thinks kids should talk with a parent . Dustin ,11, likes to talk with a group of friends.

【1】What is Rachel afraid of ?

A. The dark .

B. Talking with others.

C. The bing jellyfish.

D. Riding a bike on busy streets.

【2】In Paragraph 4, the writer gives ________ way(s) of helping kids fight the fear of dark.

A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

【3】According to the writer , ________ needs to fight his/her fear.

A. Tommy   B. Rachel   C. Morgan   D. Dustin

【4】Which piece of advice is not mentioned about fighting fears ?

A. Talking with others .

B. Taking a deep breath .

C. Thinking about happy times .

D. Regarding fears as challenges.


I am a middle school student. My name is Lucy. I have many rules at home. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights and do my homework. I can't watch TV until I finish my homework. I can't go to my friends' homes to study with them. My mother says we will talk instead of doing homework, but I don't think so. Yes, sometimes we talk, but we mainly study. We can discuss when we have some problems. We can learn a lot that way.

On weekdays, I have to get up early. After getting up, I have to make my bed, clean my bedroom. But I think I should be allowed to get up late on weekends. My parents always ask me to get up early to read English. They say that is good for my English study. I know this. But I am very tired on weekdays. I have too much work to do at school. I want to have a good rest on weekends. I think I should be allowed to get up at eight in the morning on weekends. If I have enough sleep, I will feel energetic and it's also good for my studies.

My parents don't allow me to help them do housework. They often say if I am good at my schoolwork, everything is OK. I don't think so. Although good grades are important, I should be allowed to do something I want to do. It's helpful to my development.

【1】I ___________ watch TV ___________ I finish my homework.

A. can; after   B. can't; after

C. am not allowed to; after   D. can; until

【2】We can learn ___________ if we are allowed to study with friends.

A. a lot   B. a little   C. nothing   D. less

【3】Why should I be allowed to get up late on weekends?

A. Because getting up late is a healthy lifestyle.

B. Because getting up late is an unhealthy lifestyle.

C. Because I am tired on weekdays.

D. Because I can have a good dream.

【4】I have ___________ work to do at school.

A. no   B. a little   C. many   D. lots of

【5】The passage mainly talks about the ___________.

A. health   B. rules   C. friendship   D. lifestyle


When you sleep somewhere else—like at a summer camp or a friend's house, you know you're in for a fun time. It can be exciting to get away from the same old bed in the same old room in the same old house. But fun as this is, for some kids being away from home can be scary and sad. It's called being homesick.

Homesick means you are upset, sad, and maybe scared. But don't feel surprised. A lot of people get homesick, even grown-ups. When you're used to having certain people around you, it can be scary when they are gone. When you are dealing with other problems, you will feel homesick, too. Some kids may feel more homesick than usual if their parents get divorced(离婚) or if someone they loved has recently died.

Here are some ideas to help you feel less homesick.

Bring a little bit of home with you. If you're going away from home, bring your pillow or pictures of the people you will be apart from and look at them any time you want.

Keep busy. The more fun things you do, the less time you'll have to feel homesick. So try to join in activities wherever you are.

Stay in touch. You can make a plan for when you will call your mum or dad. You can also send e-mails or text messages to keep in touch with family and friends. When you do get in touch with someone, make sure to talk about the fun things you're doing!

Talk to someone where you are. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

【1】How many ideas are given to help you feel less homesick in the passage ?

A. Two.   B. Three.   C. Four.   D. Five.

【2】What should you talk about in order to feel less homesick?

A. Your future plan.   B. The past things.

C. Your difficulties.   D. The interesting things.

【3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Some kids can get homesick, but grown-ups never.

B. Joining in more activities may make you feel less homesick.

C. Someone may feel homesick when one of his family members dies.

D. Bringing along some things from home may be helpful for feeling less homesick.



One of the fastest passenger trains in the world is the Eurostar, which covers the distance between London and Paris in just over two and a half hours---a journey which used to take five or six hours and always involved(包含) a slow boat crossing. If you take the Eurostar, you can leave London Warterloo at 4 o'clock on a Friday afternoon and be in the centre of Paris at 6:35, in time for dinner. The train also goes to other places, such as Calais, Lille, Disneyworld Paris, and Brussels.

One of the most exciting things about Eurostar is that it goes through a tunnel under the sea. This is called the Channel Tunnel, and goes between Folkstone in England and Sangate in France. The tunnel is 31 miles long, and cost $21 billion to build. This part of the journey takes about 20 minutes and you don't really notice what is happening, but some people choose not to travel by the Eurostar because the idea of it worries them. The tunnel has been made safe enough, however, and there are two other tunnels that people can get out of quickly if there is a fire or an accident.

It is also possible to drive through the tunnel, but this takes much longer than the high-speed train. The trains have a top speed of 180 mph (300 kph), and run on special tracks(轨道). These tracks allow the train to go much faster.

The trains are very comfortable, just like all the other trains, and you can also buy plenty of food and drink in the restaurant car. There is just one thing that many people might feel a little pity---the train travels so fast, especially on the French side where it speeds up quite a lot. You can't really see anything out of the window.


【1】Does the Eurostar travel between London and Paris?

【2】How long is the Channel Tunnel?

【3】How many tunnels are there to help people get out of if there is a fire?

【4】What makes the Eurostar go faster through the tunnel?

【5】What's special about the Eurostar?


World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by the UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading. It means your teachers or parents tell you to do so. "Reading for pleasure" plays a more important role in one's growth than one's family background.

Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us know more about the outside world and perfect us. However, computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf. Some experts believe it's a worrying trend(趋势). Each Chinese read 0.38 more books in 2013 than 2012 but still far fewer than those in major developed countries. Even worse, many bookstores have closed their doors because many book lovers start to buy fewer books than before.

However, many people do still prefer reading because it has been part of their life. It can benefit(使受益) people in many ways. It gives us information about other countries and places of the world. It also has a strong influence on forming our personality and makes us more intelligent. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the smarter we become. It's never too late to start reading. So jump into the wonderful world of books now!



【1】In which of the countries does each person read more than 15 books in a year?

【2】Why did people set up World Book Day?

【3】What are the experts worrying about?

【4】Is it right that each Chinese read 0.38 more books in 2012 than 2011? If not, what's the result?

【5】How many books did you read in 2013? What do you think of reading?


Every school has its own set of rules to keep students disciplined(守纪律的).The rules change from one school to another. Some schools are much stricter than others. There are also some rules that look strange or funny to us. Here are some funny school rules:

Japan: Most schools demand that students wear uniforms, such as sports suits or skirts. But many Japanese schools even regulate(规定) the color of underwear(内衣)!They also demand that girls' white socks be folded in a certain way and boys' heads be shaved(刮过的).Other Japanese schools tell students that they can not date(约会), go to movies, leave home after sunset or play video games without permission.

The USA: For safety at USA schools, students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day. Because this makes sure students won't fall over on the slippery floors and keeps the schools clean. Gum chewing is not allowed in USA school buildings, because it is difficult to clean up. And if students chew gum(口香糖) in class, they may not focus(专心) on their study.

Britain:  Strange hairstyles are not allowed in some British schools. But they might allow students to wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup. Two students had a special design shaved into their hair during 2014 World Cup. But they were not accepted by their school after that because the school said the rules had changed since then.


The kinds of uniforms that students wear


Things that Japanese students can not do



The reason why students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day


The thing that is not allowed in USA school buildings



The things that are not allowed in some British schools


秋英语(Go for it)九全Unit (广东)阅读理解专练及答案(共页)



How often one hears children wishing they had grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets(悔恨).

Youth(青年时期) is a time when there are few things to make life difficult If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. Life is always showing new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do, he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished(惩罚) for what he has done wrong.

When the young man starts to make his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison(监狱). If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position(地位) in society.

【1】Who is the happiest person?

A. The old people who wish they were young again.

B. The children who wish they had grown up.

C. The person who enjoys what each age gives him.

D. The person who wastes his time.

【2】When people were young, they used to ___________.

A. face a lot of difficulties   B. have easy lives

C. deal with many businesses   D. look after their parents

【3】Children may feel pain when they are ___________.

A. not allowed to do everything that they like

B. given too much

C. looked after whatever they may do

D. too well-known

【4】If a child breaks the laws of his parents, he will ___________.

A. be sent to prison   B. be punished

C. work hard   D. go hungry

【5】When the young man starts to make his own living, he should ___________.

A. not build up his own position in society

B. spend most of his time playing

C. not keep out of trouble

D. pay for everything himself









【1】根据the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets(悔恨).最幸福的人就是那些在人生每个阶段都享受所有能享受的东西,不曾浪费自己时间的人。故选C

【2】根据   Youth(青年时期) is a time when there are few things to make life difficult青少年时期很少有事情让自己的生活变得困难,由此可以推断青少年时期的生活是简单的,没有什么困难的;故选B

【3】根据But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do, he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished(惩罚) for what he has done wrong.但是小孩子的生活有时也痛苦,比如没有绝对的自由,好多事情都被告知不能做,做错了事情还会被惩罚。故选A

【4】根据being punished(惩罚) for what he has done wrong.可知,小孩子时期,当做错了事情会被惩罚;故选B

【5】根据When the young man starts to make his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably.当一个年轻人成长到可以自己赚钱养家的时候,他不再免费从别人那里获得食物,衣服和住所,只能靠自己的双手去挣。故选D


"Can I see my baby?" asked the happy new mother. When the baby was in her arms, she couldn't believe her eyes. The baby was born without ears.

Time proved that the baby's hearing was perfect though he had no ears. He got on well with his classmates. But one day, he said to his mother, tears in his eyes, "A big boy called me a freak(畸形物)."

The boy's father asked the family doctor, "Could nothing be done? "

"I believe I could graft(植入) on a pair of outer ears if they could be gotten," the doctor said. They tried to find a person who would be helpful for the young man.

One day, his father said to the son, "You're going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But we must keep it a secret who the person is."

The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. He married and lived a happy life.

He would ask his father, "Who gave me the ears? I could do enough for him or her."

"I do not believe you could," said the father. "The agreement was that you are not to know…not yet."

The years kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.

"Mother said she was glad she never had her hair cut," his father said in a low voice, "and nobody ever thought mother less beautiful, did they?"

【1】The sentence "…a new person appeared." means "___________."

A. new baby was born in the hospital

B. a stranger came into the hospital

C. a new doctor took care of the boy

D. the boy came to live a new life

【2】Why did the boy's mother never have her hair cut?

A. Because she liked her thick, brown hair.

B. Because her work didn't allow her to do that.

C. Because the hair was good for her health.

D. Because she wanted to keep the fact a secret.

【3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The boy couldn't hear without ears at first.

B. The boy didn't know the truth until his mother died.

C. His parents often encouraged him to work hard.

D. His classmates were always making fun of him.

【4】Which is the best title for the passage?

A. A Clever Boy   B. Kind Parents

C. Great Love   D. An Ear Operation








【1】句意:根据The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared. His cleverness and hard work made him a very successful person. 说明有了耳朵以后,孩子得到了新生。故选D

【2】句意:根据The years kept it a secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.可知妈妈想保守秘密;故选D

【3】句意:根据"The agreement was that you are not to know…not yet."和He stood with his father over his mother's body. Slowly, the father raised the thick, brown hair. To his surprise, the son found his mother had no outer ears.可知男孩直到妈妈去世才知道真想;故选B



In today's Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow. Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns throughout Asia. Facing the pressures of school and life, people turn to the virtual(虚拟) world, expecting a diversion from these problems. Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions.

This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. The country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. It also has a high number of online game players and related problems. In 2002, a young man collapsed(突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet café. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12-year-old boy stole $16,000 from his father and ran away from home. He did this to continue his obsession(着迷) with an online game. Such problems, however, don't just happen in South Korea. They are spreading to other parts of Asia, as well.

What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look like? Dr. SueHuei Chen, a clinical psychologist, researches Internet addiction. She discovered some signs of at risk individuals such as lack friendships and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive(极有趣的) to play online games that they could sacrifice(牺牲) things such as school or family. They feel the need to spend more and more time online. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing.

How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the potential number of problem online gamers is alarming. In 2004, the China Daily reported that China had 13.8 million online game players. Further more, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth.

Make sure to keep control over your online game playing. If you don't control it, it can get control of you.

【1】What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A. The disadvantages of the Internet.

B. The online game problems in Asia.

C. The popularity of online games worldwide.

D. The cause of online game addiction.

【2】The underlined word "diversion" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. career   B. comfort   C. escape   D. support

【3】According to Paragraph 2, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Online violence is blamed for the young killer's wrong action

B. Online game playing is responsible for the young man's death

C. People in South Korea have access to the Internet most easily

D. The teenage boy stole money due to his playing games online

【4】What can we learn from the passage?

A. Most people in Asia have developed an addiction to online games.

B. Online game addictions cause many life-and-death problems in South Korea.

C. Lonely and unsocial people seem to more easily develop Internet addictions.

D. In the year 2004 there were a total of 13.8 million Chinese visiting the Internet.









【2】根据Facing the pressures of school and life, people turn to the virtual(虚拟) world, expecting a diversion from these problems. 可知人们通过虚拟世界来逃避现实,所以diversion在这里是转移,逃离的意思,故选C

【3】根据In 2002, a young man collapsed(突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet café. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12-year-old boy stole $16,000 from his father and ran away from home. 这几个例子,可知A/B/D是对的;The country has the world's highest percentage of high-speed Internet services. 可知C不对;故选C

【4】根据She discovered some signs of at risk individuals such as lack friendships and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive(极有趣的) to play online games that they could sacrifice(牺牲) things such as school or family. They feel the need to spend more and more time online.可知孤独和有社交困难的人更容易沉迷于网络游戏;故选C


Happiness is for everyone. You don't need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.

In fact happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them you can see that happiness is always around you.

Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy because you have something else that can't be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can't say loudly you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge yourselves. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you will be a happy and lucky person.

【1】Happiness is for ___________.

A. all people

B. those who have a lot money

C. those who have large and beautiful houses

D. those who have cars

【2】When you do something wrong, ___________.

A. you have no chance to challenge you

B. people around you will help you

C. your classmates will laugh at you

D. you will be happy

【3】"Happiness is not the same as money" means ___________.

A. money doesn't always brings happiness

B. money always brings happiness

C. everything can be always bring happiness

D. only rich people have happiness

【4】Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Life and Success   B. Happiness and Luck

C. Do Something Good to Others   D. Happiness








【1】根据Happiness is for everyone. 可知幸福是每个人的;故选A

【2】根据When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it.可知,当你做错事情的时候,你的朋友会帮你改正;故选B

【3】根据When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy because you have something else that can't be bought with money.可知,即使没钱,你也能是幸福的,你有金钱不能买的其他东西;故选A



Every country has its heroes. The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire. If you get a list of the heroes of a nation, it will tell you the potential(潜力) of that nation.

Today in America, if you ask the high school students to list their heroes, their choice would probably fall into three groups. The first group of heroes would be the rock stars---the people connected with rock music. There is no doubt that such people do have talent(天才) but one wonders if one should hold up rock stars as a model. The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good. The rock stars are rich and wear the latest fashion styles. However, one should seek(寻觅) more in a hero than such things as money and good clothes.

A second type of hero for the American youth is the sports star. Again you have a person who has a great ability in one area---sports. However, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of a disorder(混乱). Too frequently(频繁) drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.

A third type of hero is the TV or movie star. This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome. However, the personal life of too many actors is quite sad and they should not be held up as a model of young people. Today, the rock star, the athlete(运动员), and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America. Really, do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor, a teacher, or a scientist? These people are not rich and do not wear fashionable clothes. However, they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.

What is really sad is that the young try to imitate their heroes. They like to wear the same clothes and follow their styles. If the heroes of today for the American young people are limited only to rock stars, athletes and actors, the future does not look too bright.

【1】From the passage, we know that the heroes the American youth admire are those ___________.

A. who are not bright but are good -looking

B. who are rich but are strict with themselves

C. who are talented in some area but lead an improper life

D. who are perfect in all areas

【2】It can be inferred(推断) that the American young people will not admire ___________.

A. a university professor   B. a poplar singer

C. a football player   D. a film actress

【3】According to the writer, people should admire those ___________.

A. who are rich and wear the latest fashion clothes

B. who can express people's feelings

C. whose personal life is good

D. who work in the interests of the people

【4】What does the underlined word “imitate” mean in Chinese in the passage?

A. 喜爱   B. 模仿   C. 崇拜   D. 迷恋








【1】根据There is no doubt that such people do have talent(天才)  The rock stars too often are mixed with drugs and their personal life is not all that good; a person who has a great ability in one area---sports. However, too often the personal life of the sports star is a bit of a disorder(混乱). Too frequently(频繁) drugs and drinking are a part of life of the sports star.和This person may have lots of acting talent and is quite handsome. However, the personal life of too many actors is quite sad 可知美国青少年心中的三种英雄在某一领域有特殊才能,但是领导一种不好的生活;故选C

【2】文章推断美国青年不尊敬---。根据Today, the rock star, the athlete(运动员), and the actor all have become the models of the youth in America.可知选A

【3】根据Really, do you hear a young person say that his hero is a doctor, a teacher, or a scientist? they are talented people who work hard to make the world a better place for everyone.If the heroes of today for the American young people are limited only to rock stars, athletes and actors, the future does not look too bright.可知作者认为人们应该尊敬那些为人民的利益而工作的人;故选D

【4】根据he young try to imitate their heroes. They like to wear the same clothes and follow their styles. 故选B


Are you the only child in the family? If so, you are the most important in your family. Parents are the closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they're not as close to their parents as before. They even don't think their parents are fair(公平的) to them.

Some students complain that their parents often say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say their parents don't allow them to play computer games when other classmates are doing that. Others say when they're making phone calls to friends, their parents like to ask if they're speaking to a boy or a girl. These make them very unhappy. Some students even decide to leave home because they're afraid to tell their parents when they have done something wrong, especially when they do badly in exams. Then they usually think running away is the only choice(选择). But they don't know running away may bring them some more problems.

Problems are parts of life. Here are some suggestions for you to solve your problems.

1) Find a good chance to talk with your parents. Don't be afraid to tell them your feelings.

2) Get help from others like good friends or teachers.

3) Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.

4) Show your parents you're growing up. Then they'll feel you're no longer a small child. If you follow the advice, you'll have a happy life and never think of running away.

【1】According to the article, ___________ are the closest people to an only child.

A. teachers   B. classmates   C. parents

【2】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Parents don't love their children now

B. Middle school students don't have any problems

C. Some students don't think their parents are fair to them

【3】We'd better ___________ if we have problems with them.

A. talk with our parents

B. quarrel with our parents

C. leave our parents

【4】Why does the author advice us to keep a diary?

A. Because it's our homework

B. Because it can help us practice writing

C. Because it can help us understand ourselves better

【5】This article is about some middle school students' ___________.

A. friends   B. hobbies   C. problems









【1】细节理解题。根据短文第一段Parents are the closest people to you in the world描述如果你是家里唯一的孩子,那么父母是世界上对你最亲密的人,故选C

【2】是非判断题。根据第二段描述中学生有各种各样的问题,故选B不正确。根据第一段They even don't think their parents are fair (公平的) to them.描述,他们甚至认为他们的父母是不公平的。故C正确,故选C。

【3】细节理解题。根据建议部分的建议一Find a good chance to talk with your parents.描述,找到一个很好的机会和你的父母谈谈,比较其他的选项,故选A

【4】细节理解题。根据建议部分Keep a diary to help you understand more about yourself and your feelings.描述写日记帮助您更多的了解你自己以及你的感情,故选C



Everyone is afraid of something.

Tommy, 11, is afraid of the dark. Rachel ,11, is most afraid of the big jellyfish (水母)in Australia. Morgan, 9 ,wishes she would stop being afraid to ride a bike on busy streets.

What’s fear ? Fear is a feeling that everyone has, and that’s a good thing because fear is there to protect us . When the fear comes ,it  means we may meet something dangerous.

For the fear of dark , a kid could have much imagination .What’s under my bed ? Is there someone breaking into (闯入)my house ? With the help of a parent , kids can get more comfortable in the dark. Using a night light to see that there’s nothing there can also help fight that fear.

For other fears ,we needn’t fight . If you’re afraid to ride your bike on a busy street ,you’re right ! You should be afraid because it’s dangerous. There’s no need to fight a fear like that . Find a better place to ride.

It’s also ok for Rachel to be afraid of the big jellyfish because it’s really dangerous . But it lives only in some waters. So when she’s not swimming in one of them ,there should be no worries about the big jellyfish.

Here is some advice about fighting fears from kids.

Monique,10, says when you are scared, just think about happy times . Eight-year-old Jessica finds that taking a deep breath helps when you’re scared. Amanda ,10, thinks kids should talk with a parent . Dustin ,11, likes to talk with a group of friends.

【1】What is Rachel afraid of ?

A. The dark .

B. Talking with others.

C. The bing jellyfish.

D. Riding a bike on busy streets.

【2】In Paragraph 4, the writer gives ________ way(s) of helping kids fight the fear of dark.

A. one   B. two   C. three   D. four

【3】According to the writer , ________ needs to fight his/her fear.

A. Tommy   B. Rachel   C. Morgan   D. Dustin

【4】Which piece of advice is not mentioned about fighting fears ?

A. Talking with others .

B. Taking a deep breath .

C. Thinking about happy times .

D. Regarding fears as challenges.








【1】C细节理解题。根据Rachel ,11, is most afraid of the big jellyfish (水母)in Australia.描述,可知理查德害怕大水母。故选C。

【2】B细节理解题。根据With the help of a parent , kids can get more comfortable in the dark. Using a night light to see that there’s nothing there can also help fight that fear.可知本段主要介绍了两种克服害怕黑暗的方法,故选B。

【3】A推理判断题。根据第五段For other fears ,…There’s no need to fight a fear like that . 描述,可知关于怕黑的问题需要克服,托米怕黑,故选A。



I am a middle school student. My name is Lucy. I have many rules at home. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights and do my homework. I can't watch TV until I finish my homework. I can't go to my friends' homes to study with them. My mother says we will talk instead of doing homework, but I don't think so. Yes, sometimes we talk, but we mainly study. We can discuss when we have some problems. We can learn a lot that way.

On weekdays, I have to get up early. After getting up, I have to make my bed, clean my bedroom. But I think I should be allowed to get up late on weekends. My parents always ask me to get up early to read English. They say that is good for my English study. I know this. But I am very tired on weekdays. I have too much work to do at school. I want to have a good rest on weekends. I think I should be allowed to get up at eight in the morning on weekends. If I have enough sleep, I will feel energetic and it's also good for my studies.

My parents don't allow me to help them do housework. They often say if I am good at my schoolwork, everything is OK. I don't think so. Although good grades are important, I should be allowed to do something I want to do. It's helpful to my development.

【1】I ___________ watch TV ___________ I finish my homework.

A. can; after   B. can't; after

C. am not allowed to; after   D. can; until

【2】We can learn ___________ if we are allowed to study with friends.

A. a lot   B. a little   C. nothing   D. less

【3】Why should I be allowed to get up late on weekends?

A. Because getting up late is a healthy lifestyle.

B. Because getting up late is an unhealthy lifestyle.

C. Because I am tired on weekdays.

D. Because I can have a good dream.

【4】I have ___________ work to do at school.

A. no   B. a little   C. many   D. lots of

【5】The passage mainly talks about the ___________.

A. health   B. rules   C. friendship   D. lifestyle









【1】根据I can't watch TV until I finish my homework.我直到完成作业才能看电视,可知完成作业后就能看电视;故选A

【2】根据We can discuss when we have some problems. We can learn a lot that way.可知当我们有问题的时候,我们讨论,那样我们能学很多。故选A

【3】根据I think I should be allowed to get up late on weekends. I am very tired on weekdays. I want to have a good rest on weekends.可知我认为在周末我应该被允许晚起,我工作日太累,在周末应该好好休息。故选C

【4】根据I have too much work to do at school.在学校我有太多的作业。too much太多;lots of太多;故选D

【5】根据文章可知主要讲述规矩。A. health 健康; B. rules 规矩; C. friendship 友谊; D. Lifestyle生活方式;故选B


When you sleep somewhere else—like at a summer camp or a friend's house, you know you're in for a fun time. It can be exciting to get away from the same old bed in the same old room in the same old house. But fun as this is, for some kids being away from home can be scary and sad. It's called being homesick.

Homesick means you are upset, sad, and maybe scared. But don't feel surprised. A lot of people get homesick, even grown-ups. When you're used to having certain people around you, it can be scary when they are gone. When you are dealing with other problems, you will feel homesick, too. Some kids may feel more homesick than usual if their parents get divorced(离婚) or if someone they loved has recently died.

Here are some ideas to help you feel less homesick.

Bring a little bit of home with you. If you're going away from home, bring your pillow or pictures of the people you will be apart from and look at them any time you want.

Keep busy. The more fun things you do, the less time you'll have to feel homesick. So try to join in activities wherever you are.

Stay in touch. You can make a plan for when you will call your mum or dad. You can also send e-mails or text messages to keep in touch with family and friends. When you do get in touch with someone, make sure to talk about the fun things you're doing!

Talk to someone where you are. Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick. He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better.

【1】How many ideas are given to help you feel less homesick in the passage ?

A. Two.   B. Three.   C. Four.   D. Five.

【2】What should you talk about in order to feel less homesick?

A. Your future plan.   B. The past things.

C. Your difficulties.   D. The interesting things.

【3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Some kids can get homesick, but grown-ups never.

B. Joining in more activities may make you feel less homesick.

C. Someone may feel homesick when one of his family members dies.

D. Bringing along some things from home may be helpful for feeling less homesick.








【2】细节理解题。根据文中原句When you do get in touch with someone, make sure to talk about the fun things you’re doing!(当你一定要和一些人联系时,一定要谈论一些你正在做的有趣的事情。)可知此题答案是D。

【3】细节理解题。根据全文描述及文中原句A lot of people get homesick, even grown-ups. (许多人都会有思乡病,甚至成年人。)可知此题答案是A。



One of the fastest passenger trains in the world is the Eurostar, which covers the distance between London and Paris in just over two and a half hours---a journey which used to take five or six hours and always involved(包含) a slow boat crossing. If you take the Eurostar, you can leave London Warterloo at 4 o'clock on a Friday afternoon and be in the centre of Paris at 6:35, in time for dinner. The train also goes to other places, such as Calais, Lille, Disneyworld Paris, and Brussels.

One of the most exciting things about Eurostar is that it goes through a tunnel under the sea. This is called the Channel Tunnel, and goes between Folkstone in England and Sangate in France. The tunnel is 31 miles long, and cost $21 billion to build. This part of the journey takes about 20 minutes and you don't really notice what is happening, but some people choose not to travel by the Eurostar because the idea of it worries them. The tunnel has been made safe enough, however, and there are two other tunnels that people can get out of quickly if there is a fire or an accident.

It is also possible to drive through the tunnel, but this takes much longer than the high-speed train. The trains have a top speed of 180 mph (300 kph), and run on special tracks(轨道). These tracks allow the train to go much faster.

The trains are very comfortable, just like all the other trains, and you can also buy plenty of food and drink in the restaurant car. There is just one thing that many people might feel a little pity---the train travels so fast, especially on the French side where it speeds up quite a lot. You can't really see anything out of the window.


【1】Does the Eurostar travel between London and Paris?

【2】How long is the Channel Tunnel?

【3】How many tunnels are there to help people get out of if there is a fire?

【4】What makes the Eurostar go faster through the tunnel?

【5】What's special about the Eurostar?


【1】Yes, it does.

【2】31 miles long.


【4】The special tracks.

【5】It runs so fast and it goes through a tunnel under the sea.



【1】根据One of the fastest passenger trains in the world is the Eurostar, which covers the distance between London and Paris in just over two and a half hours可知欧洲之星穿行于伦敦和巴黎之间;故回答Yes, it does. 

【2】根据The tunnel is 31 miles long, 可知英吉利海峡31英里长。故答案是31 miles long.

【3】根据there are two other tunnels that people can get out of quickly if there is a fire or an accident.可以知道除了这条隧道外,还有其他两条,所以有三条隧道在发生大火后可以逃生。故答案是Three/3. 

【4】根据The trains have a top speed of 180 mph (300 kph), and run on special tracks(轨道). These tracks allow the train to go much faster.可知特殊轨道让火车跑的更快;故答案是The special tracks. 

【5】根据文章可知欧洲之星的特殊之处就是速度快并且在海下穿过一个海峡;故答案是It runs so fast and it goes through a tunnel under the sea.


World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up by the UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading. It means your teachers or parents tell you to do so. "Reading for pleasure" plays a more important role in one's growth than one's family background.

Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of materials can help us know more about the outside world and perfect us. However, computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf. Some experts believe it's a worrying trend(趋势). Each Chinese read 0.38 more books in 2013 than 2012 but still far fewer than those in major developed countries. Even worse, many bookstores have closed their doors because many book lovers start to buy fewer books than before.

However, many people do still prefer reading because it has been part of their life. It can benefit(使受益) people in many ways. It gives us information about other countries and places of the world. It also has a strong influence on forming our personality and makes us more intelligent. The more we read, the more we know. The more we know, the smarter we become. It's never too late to start reading. So jump into the wonderful world of books now!



【1】In which of the countries does each person read more than 15 books in a year?

【2】Why did people set up World Book Day?

【3】What are the experts worrying about?

【4】Is it right that each Chinese read 0.38 more books in 2012 than 2011? If not, what's the result?

【5】How many books did you read in 2013? What do you think of reading?


【1】France, Japan and Israel.

【2】Because they wanted to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading. / They wanted to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading.

【3】They are worrying (that) computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf. / Computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf.

【4】No, it isn't. It's 0.04. / No. It's 0.04.

【5】I read one (book)/two(books) / One. / Two. / Three....; Reading/It gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. / Reading/It has a strong influence on forming our personality and makes us more intelligent....



【1】根据所给图示可知,法国、日本、和以色列这些国家,每人每年读15本以上的书。故答案是France, Japan and Israel.

【2】根据   It was set up by the UNESCO (联合国教科文组织) in 1955 to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading.可知,联合国教科文组织创建这一特殊日子是为了鼓励人们发现读书的乐趣。故答案是Because they wanted to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading. / They wanted to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading.

【3】根据However, computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf. Some experts believe it's a worrying trend(趋势).可知,电脑游戏、在线视频和网络正在打击纸质书籍,这正是专家所担心的。故答案是They are worrying (that) computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf. / Computer games, online videos and Internet are pushing books off the shelf.  

【4】根据图表可知,中国人2012年比2011年平均每人多读了0.04本书。故答案是No, it isn't. It's 0.04. / No. It's 0.04. 

【5】本题需要根据自己的实际情况作答,此处答案仅供参考。故答案是I read one (book)/two(books) / One. / Two. / Three....; Reading/It gives us information about other cultures and places of the world. / Reading/It has a strong influence on forming our personality and makes us more intelligent....


Every school has its own set of rules to keep students disciplined(守纪律的).The rules change from one school to another. Some schools are much stricter than others. There are also some rules that look strange or funny to us. Here are some funny school rules:

Japan: Most schools demand that students wear uniforms, such as sports suits or skirts. But many Japanese schools even regulate(规定) the color of underwear(内衣)!They also demand that girls' white socks be folded in a certain way and boys' heads be shaved(刮过的).Other Japanese schools tell students that they can not date(约会), go to movies, leave home after sunset or play video games without permission.

The USA: For safety at USA schools, students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day. Because this makes sure students won't fall over on the slippery floors and keeps the schools clean. Gum chewing is not allowed in USA school buildings, because it is difficult to clean up. And if students chew gum(口香糖) in class, they may not focus(专心) on their study.

Britain:  Strange hairstyles are not allowed in some British schools. But they might allow students to wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup. Two students had a special design shaved into their hair during 2014 World Cup. But they were not accepted by their school after that because the school said the rules had changed since then.


The kinds of uniforms that students wear


Things that Japanese students can not do



The reason why students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day


The thing that is not allowed in USA school buildings



The things that are not allowed in some British schools



【1】sports suits or skirts

【2】they can not date(约会), go to movies, leave home after sunset or play video games without permission.

【3】Because this makes sure students won't fall over on the slippery floors and keeps the schools clean

【4】Gum chewing

【5】Strange hairstyles



【1】根据   Japan: Most schools demand that students wear uniforms, such as sports suits or skirts.日本,多数学校要求学生穿制服,例如:运动套装或裙子;故填sports suits or skirts 

【2】根据Other Japanese schools tell students that they can not date(约会), go to movies, leave home after sunset or play video games without permission.其他的日本学校告诉学生不能约会、去看电影、太阳落山后离开家或者没有允许玩。故填they can not date(约会), go to movies, leave home after sunset or play video games without permission.

【3】根据For safety at USA schools, students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change into at school every day. Because this makes sure students won't fall over on the slippery floors and keeps the schools clean. 在美国学校为了安全,每天在学校学生必须有一双室内的鞋来换,因为这可以确保学生不在光滑的地板上摔倒和保持学校干净;故填Because this makes sure students won't fall over on the slippery floors and keeps the schools clean  

【4】根据Gum chewing is not allowed in USA school buildings,在学校的楼里口香糖是不被允许的;故填Gum chewing

【5】根据Strange hairstyles are not allowed in some British schools. 奇怪的发型在一些英国学校里是不被允许的;故填Strange hairstyles