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第Ⅰ卷 客观题


-What do we need to buy?


A.Two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salts

B.Two kilos of potatoes and two packet of salt

C.Two kiloes of potatos and two packets of salt

D.Two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salt


He spends_______ money shopping. Why does he buy________clothes?

A.too many; so many B.too much; so many C.too much; so much D.too many; so much


Tom always has a lot of time______ football at weekends.And he has a good time_____ it.

A.to play, to play B.to play, playing C.playing, playing D.playing, to play


He has three uncles, They are __________.

A.all man doctor B.all men doctors C.both man doctors D.both men doctors


I’m busy in the evening, because there _______ lots of work to do.

A.has B.have C.is D.are


Who does he ______ with about the meanings of the words?

A.say B.talk C.tell D.speak


—______ of the paintings is your favourite?   —Xu Beihong’s.

A.Who B.Whose C.What D.Which


After she goes to the fashion show, she ______ a lot on clothes.

A.spends B.buys C.costs D.takes


Her elder sister works for a factory ____her home.

A.four kilometres away B.four kilometres away from

C.four kilometres far away D.four kilometres far from


—_______do you watch TV?   —Three times a week.

A.How often B.How much C.How long D.How far


—What ____ do we need ____for the party?   —Cakes, bread, fruit and drinks.

A.else; buy B.other; buy C.else; to buy D.other; to buy


—Would you like ______ apples to eat? —________.I’m hungry.

A.some; No, thanks B.some; Yes, please C.any; Here you are D.any; You are welcome


—The iPhone X looks nice. Is it _____?  —No, mine is iPhone 6. It’s ______.

A.Your; his B.yours; his C.your; him D.yours; him


—Mr Wu hopes _____can have the dancing lesson tomorrow.

—Oh, dear, I want _______to help me clean the library.

A.Sandy and me; she and her B.Sandy and I; you and me

C.Sandy and me; her and you D.Sandy and I ; you and her


— Are you _____only child in your family, Amy? — Yes, but _______new baby is on the way(即将出生).

A.an ; the B.the; a C.an; a D.the; the




【1】There is a little ___________(糖) in the cake.

【2】We can enjoy ________(不同的)food in A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)on TV.

【3】Jim doesn’t like wearing jeans. One of his _______(理由) is that jeans are not fit for her.

【4】Zhang Bichen, the winner of The voice of China,  _________(练习) singing a lot every day.

【5】My mother is often busy the ______________ (整个的) morning.



  Who invented (发明) music?Who sang the first song?No one knows the _______to these questions. But we know that music is ________in almost everyone's life.

Babies and young children love to _______ people sing for them. When they grow older, they like to sing the songs themselves. When children go to school, their ______ of music grows . At school, students________music lessons. And they become_________in pop music. Music will make them ________ after a day’s hard ________.

We can________hear music in shops buses and houses. We shall try to find out _________about music.

The following is a radio broadcast(广播).

Good morning. Today’s broadcast brings together music from different places of the world. We _______ some American music and pop music for you. In this broadcast, we shall study the music. We shall try to find out what music says and how people feel. I will tell you ________ they are all good music. The word “music” comes from the word “muse”. The Muses are goddesses(女神)of the arts, so music is a kind of _______. It’s like speaking, but it is _______.

We can’t imagine that without music what our life would be_________.

【1】A.hopes B.answers C.wishes D.needs

【2】A.important B.enough C.easy D.difficult

【3】A.look B.ask C.tell D.hear

【4】A.world B.place C.country D.home

【5】A.make B.teach C.have D.hate

【6】A.interesting B.lucky C.happy D.interested

【7】A.happy B.sad C.lazy D.beautiful

【8】A.play B.study C.design D.rest

【9】A.too B.either C.also D.never

【10】A.more B.little C.few D.many

【11】A.tell B.collect C.give D.spend

【12】A.how B.what C.why D.which

【13】A.lesson B.song C.dance D.art

【14】A.bad B.different C.good D.ready

【15】A.liking B.to like C.like D.likes



  Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are “I love you”. But can love be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and long life are probably the most precious(宝贵的) things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.

Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires(百万富翁). True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word,where money is worshiped(崇拜),money can cause brothers to quarrel,lovers to hate,strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have,it is still not enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.

【1】According to the passage,which of the following do you think is right?

A.Money is everything.

B.Money isn’t necessary.

C.Money is important,but not the most important.

D.With no money,with no success.

【2】What’s the most important thing for every person according to the writer?

A.Only money. B.Health and a long life. C.Only friendship. D.A,B and C.

【3】Which sentence of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.If you haven’t much money,you can’t get more happiness.

B.You may live a long life even if you are poor.

C.Every year many people die in the world because their family is poor.

D.If you are rich,you will have less friendship.

【4】In fact, most millionaires _________.

A.have true love B.are happy C.love their money D.die earlier

【5】What does the sentence “Love means to give, not to take.” mean in the passage?

A.爱意味着给你,而不能带走。 B.爱是可以得到的,不要走开。

C.爱是可以索取的,而不必付出。 D.爱意味着奉献,而不是索取。


  Are you a cool boy? Do you want to buy new clothes? Shop Cool Online (在网上) is a good shop for you. Here are some clothes for boys. Come and see them now.




Name: jacket

Price: $70

Colour: yellow and black

Name: trousers

Price: $53

Colour: blue


Name: jacket

Price: $59

Colour: white and black

Name: suit

Price: $68

Colour: white and pink

【1】Shop Cool Online has clothes for_______.

A.men B.girls C.women D.boys

【2】How much is the black and white jacket?

A.$59 B.$70 C.$68 D.$53

【3】Tom has $53 buying a pair of trousers. How old is he?

A.18 B.6 C.10 D.15

【4】What colour is the most expensive clothes?

A.Yellow and black. B.Blue. C.White and black. D.White and pink.

【5】Where can you see the pictures?

A.On the book. B.On the TV. C.On the computer. D.In the newspaper.



  Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world. Many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man because they are lovely and they are faithful(忠诚的) to their masters.

Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They also keep door for us. But long ago,dogs all over the world were wild(野生的).

All dogs have the same ancestor(祖先).People believe that a dog's ancestor may be a wolf .Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Millions of years ago, man began to feed and train wild dogs. The strong dogs became working animals.Working dogs had many kinds of jobs. They could help people to pull heavy things. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other small animals. They could help people in the war(战争). Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt. Other dogs were the best as pets.

根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(NO MORE THAN 5 WORDS)

【1】How many kinds of dogs are there in the word?


【2】Why do people like dogs?


【3】Whose ancestor may be a wolf according to the passage?


【4】When did man begin to feed and train wild animals?


【5】What kind of dogs can be working dogs?



  Today, there are many problems between parents and children. Many people always ask, “why do we often argue(争论)?”

Parents show their love for their children in different ways. They cook nice food, buy new clothes for them. They also care about their studies. Parents always say “You must work hard.” “You should do your homework,” “Why not prepare for your exam?”

When children get bad marks, their parents get very angry. They often stop their children from watching TV, playing computer games or even going outside until they are good at their studies.

Why? Most families have only one child. The child is the hope of the family, and they want the child to be the best.

Many children want to do things themselves. They want to do many unusual things that their parents dislike. They sing pop songs, listen to the QQ music and do something new. They enjoy surfing the Internet and playing QQ games. They spend a lot of time chatting online. In their parents’ eyes, these are a waste of time. For these reasons, parents and children often argue.

【1】do children and their parents argue?


Parents want their

child to be the 【2】

A.   They 【3】their children in different ways.

B.   Their children should work hard all the 【4】.

C.   【5】 TV and playing computer games on the Internet are not 【6】 for their studies .

Many children want to do many unusual things that their parents don’t 【7】

A.   They like to 【8】 pop songs, listen to the QQ music and do other 【9】things.

B.   They usually surf the Internet, play QQ games and 【10】 online with their friends.




七(3)班的Lily想参加这个比赛,假如你是Lily,请你用以下信息为Lily 写一篇演讲稿。

提示:1.我叫Lucy, 14岁。戴眼镜,个子不是很高。







Good afternoon, teachers and friends, glad to be here with you.

I’m Lily from__________________________________________________________________


That’s all! Thank you!




【1】They lose their lives for us. We must remember the _______(hero) names all the time.

【2】Would you please________(order) some beef and rice?

【3】My little brother always eats ________(health) food. So he is often ill.

【4】The teacher asks us to play computer games for ______(little) than an hour at weekends.

【5】Amy, ________(not be) sad about your score. Work hard and you can do better.

【6】—Why do you buy the moon cakes? — ___________(celebrate) the Mid-Autumn Festival.

【7】—Whose _________(knife) are they? —They are my mother’s.

【8】The lady wearing glasses is going to help ________(they) with Geography next term.

【9】It’s time for the dancers in the club _________(chat) with each other.

【10】Winter holiday is coming! What about _________(plan) a trip to the UK?



【1】Where do they meet in the morning?

A.In the sports centre. B.In the park. C.At the school gate.

【2】What’s the ticket price for each student?

A.8 yuan. B.10 yuan. C.12 yuan.

【3】How long is the sports centre open a day?

A.For 11 hours. B.For 12 hours. C.For 13 hours.

【4】What time do they go to the Swimming Club?

A.At 2:30 p.m. B.At 3:00 p.m. C.At 3:30 p.m.

【5】What do they do at 6:00 p.m.?

A.They play badminton. B.They go back home. C.They play games in the park.



To make your weekend look long

Ways to plan a weekend

Getting up ________can make you feel the weekend is long.

Finish your homework in the ________.

Go out to enjoy your weekend.

You can also go to a museum, a zoo, or a ________.

【1】A.quickly B.early C.late

【2】A.morning B.afternoon C.evening

【3】A.supermarket B.school C.park



【1】What are Sandy's favourite vegetables?

A.Tomatoes. B.Potatoes. C.Carrots.

【2】How often does Sandy eat them?

A.Four times a week. B.Five times a week. C.Every day.


How does the girl go to school when it rains?

A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By bus.


What does the boy want to be when he grows up?

A.A doctor. B.A player. C.A teacher.


What does Kitty like?

A.English. B.Sports. C.Maths.


Where are they?

A.In the playground. B.On the bus. C.In the classroom.


How old is Kitty’s mother?

A.34. B.40. C.44.


When was Lily born?

A.On January 1st.     B .On March 8th.     C. On October 1st.




-What do we need to buy?


A.Two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salts

B.Two kilos of potatoes and two packet of salt

C.Two kiloes of potatos and two packets of salt

D.Two kilos of potatoes and two packets of salt






He spends_______ money shopping. Why does he buy________clothes?

A.too many; so many B.too much; so many C.too much; so much D.too many; so much





考查形容词短语。英语中too many太多,修饰可数名词复数;too much太多,修饰不可数名词,so many如此多,后接可数名词复数,so much如此多,后接不可数名词,综合之后可以看出,第一空money是不可数名词,所以用too much修饰,第二空修饰的是clothes,所以用so many修饰,故选B。


Tom always has a lot of time______ football at weekends.And he has a good time_____ it.

A.to play, to play B.to play, playing C.playing, playing D.playing, to play





考查非谓语固定搭配。根据句意理解可知。第一空表达“有很多时间做某事”,结构是have a lot of time to do sth,而第二空表达的是“做某事玩的很开心”,结构是have a good time doing sth,对照结构可知,故选B。


He has three uncles, They are __________.

A.all man doctor B.all men doctors C.both man doctors D.both men doctors





考查不定代词和复合名词复数变化规则。根据前句three uncles可知,这里的“全部”应该选择all,故排除C/ D答案,而三个医生应该用复数形式,以man/ woman开头的复合名词变复数,两部分都要变复数,故选B。


I’m busy in the evening, because there _______ lots of work to do.

A.has B.have C.is D.are




试题句意:我晚上很忙因为有好多作业要做。此题考查there be句型,因为homework不可数;根据句意,故选C。


Who does he ______ with about the meanings of the words?

A.say B.talk C.tell D.speak





考查动词辨析。say说出,讲,后面常跟说的内容;talk谈论,talk with sb.与某人谈论;tell告诉,转述;speak讲话,发言,演讲或讲某种语言;结合句意及空格后面的with可知,这里表达的是“和某人谈论”,故选B。


—______ of the paintings is your favourite?   —Xu Beihong’s.

A.Who B.Whose C.What D.Which





考查特殊疑问词。Who谁;Whose谁的;What什么;Which哪一个;根据答语Xu Beihong’s可知,提问应该是“哪一幅画是你最喜欢的”,“哪一个”是which,故选D。


After she goes to the fashion show, she ______ a lot on clothes.

A.spends B.buys C.costs D.takes





考查动词辨析。spend花费;buy买;cost花费(主语是物);take花费(It takes sb some time to do sth.);根据句意理解可知。这里表达的是“花费钱在衣服上”,句子主语是she,所以要用spend表示花费,故选A。


Her elder sister works for a factory ____her home.

A.four kilometres away B.four kilometres away from

C.four kilometres far away D.four kilometres far from





考查固定结构。英语中表达“距离某地有多远”时,当有具体的距离数的时候,不要与far连用,故排除B/ D,因为后面有远离的地点,所以这里需要介词from,故排除A,故选B。


—_______do you watch TV?   —Three times a week.

A.How often B.How much C.How long D.How far





考查特殊疑问词。How often多久一次;How much多少;How long多长;How far多远;根据回答Three times a week可知,提问的是频率,英语中提问频率用how often,故选A。


—What ____ do we need ____for the party?   —Cakes, bread, fruit and drinks.

A.else; buy B.other; buy C.else; to buy D.other; to buy





考查固定句型和动词不定式。英语中表达“别的什么”用What else或者What other things,而“需要做某事”是need to do sth,故选C。


—Would you like ______ apples to eat? —________.I’m hungry.

A.some; No, thanks B.some; Yes, please C.any; Here you are D.any; You are welcome





考查不定代词和情景交际。some一些;No, thanks不,谢谢;Yes, please好的;any任何;Here you are给你You are welcome不用谢;根据句意理解可知,问句是情态动词开头的疑问句,句中用some表示“一些”,而第二空根据后面的I’m hungry可知,是表示“要吃”,所以用Yes, please,故选B。


—The iPhone X looks nice. Is it _____?  —No, mine is iPhone 6. It’s ______.

A.Your; his B.yours; his C.your; him D.yours; him




句意:——这个iPhone X看起来很好。是你的吗?——不,我的是iPhone 6。这是他的。



—Mr Wu hopes _____can have the dancing lesson tomorrow.

—Oh, dear, I want _______to help me clean the library.

A.Sandy and me; she and her B.Sandy and I; you and me

C.Sandy and me; her and you D.Sandy and I ; you and her







— Are you _____only child in your family, Amy? — Yes, but _______new baby is on the way(即将出生).

A.an ; the B.the; a C.an; a D.the; the









【1】There is a little ___________(糖) in the cake.

【2】We can enjoy ________(不同的)food in A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)on TV.

【3】Jim doesn’t like wearing jeans. One of his _______(理由) is that jeans are not fit for her.

【4】Zhang Bichen, the winner of The voice of China,  _________(练习) singing a lot every day.

【5】My mother is often busy the ______________ (整个的) morning.





【4】practises/ practices








英语中“理由”是reason,是一个可数名词,而句中有one of,所以名词应该用复数形式,故答案为reasons。







  Who invented (发明) music?Who sang the first song?No one knows the _______to these questions. But we know that music is ________in almost everyone's life.

Babies and young children love to _______ people sing for them. When they grow older, they like to sing the songs themselves. When children go to school, their ______ of music grows . At school, students________music lessons. And they become_________in pop music. Music will make them ________ after a day’s hard ________.

We can________hear music in shops buses and houses. We shall try to find out _________about music.

The following is a radio broadcast(广播).

Good morning. Today’s broadcast brings together music from different places of the world. We _______ some American music and pop music for you. In this broadcast, we shall study the music. We shall try to find out what music says and how people feel. I will tell you ________ they are all good music. The word “music” comes from the word “muse”. The Muses are goddesses(女神)of the arts, so music is a kind of _______. It’s like speaking, but it is _______.

We can’t imagine that without music what our life would be_________.

【1】A.hopes B.answers C.wishes D.needs

【2】A.important B.enough C.easy D.difficult

【3】A.look B.ask C.tell D.hear

【4】A.world B.place C.country D.home

【5】A.make B.teach C.have D.hate

【6】A.interesting B.lucky C.happy D.interested

【7】A.happy B.sad C.lazy D.beautiful

【8】A.play B.study C.design D.rest

【9】A.too B.either C.also D.never

【10】A.more B.little C.few D.many

【11】A.tell B.collect C.give D.spend

【12】A.how B.what C.why D.which

【13】A.lesson B.song C.dance D.art

【14】A.bad B.different C.good D.ready

【15】A.liking B.to like C.like D.likes




















hope希望;answer答案;wish愿望;need需要;根据句意理解及to these questions可知,英语中表达“问题的答案”是the answer to the question,故选B。


important重要的;enough足够的;easy容易的;difficult困难的;根据句意理解及后句in almost everyone’s life可知,这里表达“音乐是重要的”,故选A。




world世界;place地方;country国家;home家;根据句意理解可知及后句music lessons可知,是孩子们的音乐世界在成长,故选A。




interesting有趣的;lucky幸运的;happy开心的;interested感兴趣的;根据句意理解及句子内容可知,这里表达“对……感兴趣”,构成一个固定短语be interested in,故选D。












how怎么样;what什么;why为什么;which哪一个;根据上下句语境理解及In this broadcast, we shall study the music.可知,这里表达“为什么”,故选C。


lesson课程;song歌曲;dance舞蹈;art艺术;根据句意理解及前句The Muses are goddesses(女神)of the arts可知,这里表达的是“音乐也是艺术”,故选D。




根据句意理解可知,这里是固定结构what … be like?译为“……怎么样”,此结构中like是一个介词,故选C。



  Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are “I love you”. But can love be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and long life are probably the most precious(宝贵的) things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.

Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires(百万富翁). True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word,where money is worshiped(崇拜),money can cause brothers to quarrel,lovers to hate,strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have,it is still not enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.

【1】According to the passage,which of the following do you think is right?

A.Money is everything.

B.Money isn’t necessary.

C.Money is important,but not the most important.

D.With no money,with no success.

【2】What’s the most important thing for every person according to the writer?

A.Only money. B.Health and a long life. C.Only friendship. D.A,B and C.

【3】Which sentence of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.If you haven’t much money,you can’t get more happiness.

B.You may live a long life even if you are poor.

C.Every year many people die in the world because their family is poor.

D.If you are rich,you will have less friendship.

【4】In fact, most millionaires _________.

A.have true love B.are happy C.love their money D.die earlier

【5】What does the sentence “Love means to give, not to take.” mean in the passage?

A.爱意味着给你,而不能带走。 B.爱是可以得到的,不要走开。

C.爱是可以索取的,而不必付出。 D.爱意味着奉献,而不是索取。









【1】细节理解题。根据文中No matter how much money you have,it is still not enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with,no one to cry for.不管你有多少钱,如果没有人可以和你一起笑,没有人可以为你哭泣,这仍然不足以让你成为一个快乐的人,以及对整篇文章的理解:钱是重要的,但不是最重要的,有钱并不意味着就拥有了一切,可知,故选C。

【2】细节理解题。根据文中health and long life are probably the most precious(宝贵的) things.可知,健康长寿是最重要的,故选B。

【3】细节理解题。根据文中Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires(百万富翁). 可知,即使你很贫穷,你也可能会长寿,故选B。

【4】细节理解题。根据文中Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires(百万富翁).世界上活的最久的人中几乎没有几个是百万富翁。故选D。


细节理解题属直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。基本在文中都可以找到答案。但由于中考所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。比如第二小题To every person, health and long life are probably the most precious(宝贵的) things.可知,是health和long life是最宝贵的。


  Are you a cool boy? Do you want to buy new clothes? Shop Cool Online (在网上) is a good shop for you. Here are some clothes for boys. Come and see them now.




Name: jacket

Price: $70

Colour: yellow and black

Name: trousers

Price: $53

Colour: blue


Name: jacket

Price: $59

Colour: white and black

Name: suit

Price: $68

Colour: white and pink

【1】Shop Cool Online has clothes for_______.

A.men B.girls C.women D.boys

【2】How much is the black and white jacket?

A.$59 B.$70 C.$68 D.$53

【3】Tom has $53 buying a pair of trousers. How old is he?

A.18 B.6 C.10 D.15

【4】What colour is the most expensive clothes?

A.Yellow and black. B.Blue. C.White and black. D.White and pink.

【5】Where can you see the pictures?

A.On the book. B.On the TV. C.On the computer. D.In the newspaper.








这是一篇Shop Cool Online服装店的宣传广告,广告中介绍了服装店里有一些款式的服装,介绍了服装的适合人群,价格和颜色。

【1】细节理解题。根据文中Here are some clothes for boys.可知,这些服装是男孩们的,故选D。

【2】细节理解题。根据文中Name: jacket; Price: $59; Colour: white and black,可知,是59元,故选A。

【3】细节理解题。根据文中Name: trousers; Price: $53; Colour: blue对照年龄是7-11岁,故选C。

【4】细节理解题。根据文中表格内容的对照价格可知,Name: jacket; Price: $70; Colour: yellow and black黄色和黑色是最贵的,故选A。

【5】细节理解题。根据文中Shop Cool Online (在网上) is a good shop for you.可知,是在网上,故选C。



  Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world. Many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man because they are lovely and they are faithful(忠诚的) to their masters.

Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They also keep door for us. But long ago,dogs all over the world were wild(野生的).

All dogs have the same ancestor(祖先).People believe that a dog's ancestor may be a wolf .Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Millions of years ago, man began to feed and train wild dogs. The strong dogs became working animals.Working dogs had many kinds of jobs. They could help people to pull heavy things. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other small animals. They could help people in the war(战争). Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt. Other dogs were the best as pets.

根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(NO MORE THAN 5 WORDS)

【1】How many kinds of dogs are there in the word?


【2】Why do people like dogs?


【3】Whose ancestor may be a wolf according to the passage?


【4】When did man begin to feed and train wild animals?


【5】What kind of dogs can be working dogs?



【1】More than/ Over 100 kinds.

【2】Because they’re lovely and faithful.

【3】Dogs’ and foxes’./ A dog’s and a fox’s

【4】Millions of years ago.

【5】The strong dogs.



【1】根据文中Today, there are more than 100 kinds of dogs in the world.可知,世界上有超过100种狗,故答案为More than 100 kinds。

【2】根据文中Dogs are friends of man because they are lovely and they are faithful(忠诚的) to their masters.狗是人类的朋友,因为它们可爱,对主人忠诚。可知,是因为狗可爱忠诚,故答案为Because they’re lovely and faithful.

【3】根据文中All dogs have the same ancestor(祖先).People believe that a dog’s ancestor may be a wolf .Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too.所有的狗都有相同的祖先。人们相信狗的祖先可能是狼。其他动物,如狐狸,也来自这个祖先。可以,故答案为Dogs’ and foxes’。

【4】根据文中Millions of years ago, man began to feed and train wild dogs.可知,是在数百万年以前,故答案为Millions of years ago。

【5】根据文中The strong dogs became working animals.可知,比较强壮的狗成为了工作犬,故答案为The strong dogs。


  Today, there are many problems between parents and children. Many people always ask, “why do we often argue(争论)?”

Parents show their love for their children in different ways. They cook nice food, buy new clothes for them. They also care about their studies. Parents always say “You must work hard.” “You should do your homework,” “Why not prepare for your exam?”

When children get bad marks, their parents get very angry. They often stop their children from watching TV, playing computer games or even going outside until they are good at their studies.

Why? Most families have only one child. The child is the hope of the family, and they want the child to be the best.

Many children want to do things themselves. They want to do many unusual things that their parents dislike. They sing pop songs, listen to the QQ music and do something new. They enjoy surfing the Internet and playing QQ games. They spend a lot of time chatting online. In their parents’ eyes, these are a waste of time. For these reasons, parents and children often argue.

【1】do children and their parents argue?


Parents want their

child to be the 【2】

A.   They 【3】their children in different ways.

B.   Their children should work hard all the 【4】.

C.   【5】 TV and playing computer games on the Internet are not 【6】 for their studies .

Many children want to do many unusual things that their parents don’t 【7】

A.   They like to 【8】 pop songs, listen to the QQ music and do other 【9】things.

B.   They usually surf the Internet, play QQ games and 【10】 online with their friends.














【1】根据文中Today, there are many problems between parents and children. Many people always ask, “Why do we often argue(争论)?”可知,本文主要讲述为什么孩子们和父母亲总是争吵?故答案为Why。

【2】根据文中The child is the hope of the family, they want the child to be the best.可知,孩子是家庭的希望,父母亲想要他们的孩子成为最好的。故答案为best。

【3】根据文中Parents show their love for children in different ways.可知,父母亲用不同的方式爱他们的孩子。故答案为love。

【4】根据文中They also care about their studies. Parents always say “You must work hard.” “You should do your homework,” “Why not prepare for your exam?”他们也关心自己的学习。父母总是说“你必须努力学习。”“你应该做你的家庭作业。”“为什么不准备你的考试呢?”可知,父母想要他们一直学习,故答案为time。

【5】根据文中They often stop their children from watching TV他们阻止他们的孩子看电视,而根据空格后面的and可知,并列两部分要保持一致,后面用ing形式,前面也要用ing形式,故答案为Watching。

【6】根据文中They often stop their children from watching TV, playing computer games or even going outside until they are good at their studies.他们经常不让孩子看电视、玩电脑游戏,甚至不出门,直到他们擅长学习。可知,这些都是对学习不好的,故答案为good。

【7】根据文中They want to do many unusual things that their parents dislike.他们想做许多父母不喜欢的不寻常的事情。可知,是父母不喜欢的事情,dislike不喜欢,相当于don’t like,故答案为like。

【8】根据文中They sing pop songs, listen to the QQ music and do something new.他们唱流行歌曲,听QQ音乐,做一些新的事情。可知,他们喜欢唱流行歌曲,故答案为sing。

【9】根据文中They sing pop songs, listen to the QQ music and do something new.他们唱流行歌曲,听QQ音乐,做一些新的事情。可知,他们喜欢做一些新的事情,故答案为new。

【10】根据文中They enjoy surfing the Internet and playing QQ games. They spend a lot of time chatting online.他们喜欢上网和玩QQ游戏。他们花很多时间在网上聊天。可知,他们花大量时间在网上聊天,故答案为chat。




七(3)班的Lily想参加这个比赛,假如你是Lily,请你用以下信息为Lily 写一篇演讲稿。

提示:1.我叫Lucy, 14岁。戴眼镜,个子不是很高。







Good afternoon, teachers and friends, glad to be here with you.

I’m Lily from__________________________________________________________________


That’s all! Thank you!


Good afternoon, teachers and friends, I am glad to be here with you.

I’m Lily from Class Three, Grade Seven. I am not very tall. I look healthy because I have a healthy lifestyle. I think healthy food is important for me. My mother often cooks healthy breakfast for me and it gives me a lot of energy the whole morning. I drink two glasses of water every day, sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple. I seldom eat sweets. They are bad for my teeth. I have a healthy lifestyle. I usually walk to school and exercise for half an hour every day. I like the Spring Festival best, because I can eat the delicious food which is difficult to eat at ordinary times. Mom always makes a lot of delicious food, and the family get together for a big meal.

This is my healthy life. I hope everyone can have a healthy life.

That’s all! Thank you!


1. 题干解读:文章是一篇演讲稿,主要从自己的健康的生活方式开始入手描写,从具体的健康饮食,健康的生活习惯方面描述,比较具体详细的展示了自己是个“健康小达人”。




【1】They lose their lives for us. We must remember the _______(hero) names all the time.

【2】Would you please________(order) some beef and rice?

【3】My little brother always eats ________(health) food. So he is often ill.

【4】The teacher asks us to play computer games for ______(little) than an hour at weekends.

【5】Amy, ________(not be) sad about your score. Work hard and you can do better.

【6】—Why do you buy the moon cakes? — ___________(celebrate) the Mid-Autumn Festival.

【7】—Whose _________(knife) are they? —They are my mother’s.

【8】The lady wearing glasses is going to help ________(they) with Geography next term.

【9】It’s time for the dancers in the club _________(chat) with each other.

【10】Winter holiday is coming! What about _________(plan) a trip to the UK?






【5】don’t be

【6】To celebrate



【9】to chat






根据句意理解可知,这里是一个固定结构Could you please+动词原形,故答案为order。






根据句子结构分析可知,这是祈使句,英语中祈使句是以动词原形开头的句子,否定是don’t+动词原形,故答案为Don’t be。


根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“为了庆祝”,英语中表达目的用不定式,故答案为To celebrate。






根据句意理解可知,这里是一个固定句型,结构为It’s time for sb to do sth,译为“该到某人做某事的时间了”,对照结构可知,故答案为to chat。


根据句意理解可知,这里是一个固定句型,What about doing sth?,表示征求对方意见,“去做某事怎么样啊?”,对照结构可知,故答案为planning。



【1】Where do they meet in the morning?

A.In the sports centre. B.In the park. C.At the school gate.

【2】What’s the ticket price for each student?

A.8 yuan. B.10 yuan. C.12 yuan.

【3】How long is the sports centre open a day?

A.For 11 hours. B.For 12 hours. C.For 13 hours.

【4】What time do they go to the Swimming Club?

A.At 2:30 p.m. B.At 3:00 p.m. C.At 3:30 p.m.

【5】What do they do at 6:00 p.m.?

A.They play badminton. B.They go back home. C.They play games in the park.









Today is Sunday. Tom and I meet at 7:30 a.m. at the school gate. We take a bus to the sports centre. The price for each student is 10 yuan. The sports centre is open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. We play badminton for about two hours in the sports centre. And then we go to the park next to it. First we play games. Then we sit and talk under a big tree. We have lunch at KFC. At half past three, we go to the Swimming Club. We come back at about six in the afternoon because it’s time for supper.



To make your weekend look long

Ways to plan a weekend

Getting up ________can make you feel the weekend is long.

Finish your homework in the ________.

Go out to enjoy your weekend.

You can also go to a museum, a zoo, or a ________.

【1】A.quickly B.early C.late

【2】A.morning B.afternoon C.evening

【3】A.supermarket B.school C.park







To make your weekend look long, you need to plan it better. Here are some ideas.

It is wrong to think that the weekend is a good time to sleep. Getting up early can make you feel the weekend is long.

If you get up early, you will feel better. Finish your homework in the morning. After doing your homework, you can plan your weekend well.

Go out to enjoy your weekend. Think about what you like to do. You can play football in the park. You can also go to a museum, a zoo, or a park.



【1】What are Sandy's favourite vegetables?

A.Tomatoes. B.Potatoes. C.Carrots.

【2】How often does Sandy eat them?

A.Four times a week. B.Five times a week. C.Every day.






M:  I like vegetables. What about you , Sandy?

W:  I love vegetables too, and I like carrots best.

M:  How often do you eat carrots?

W:  I eat them four times a week. How about you?

M:  I eat them every day.


How does the girl go to school when it rains?

A.By bike. B.On foot. C.By bus.





M : How do you usually go to school?

W: By bike. But I’ll take a bus when it rains.


What does the boy want to be when he grows up?

A.A doctor. B.A player. C.A teacher.





W: Do you want to be a basketball player when you grow up?

M: Yes, you know I’m very good at ball games.


What does Kitty like?

A.English. B.Sports. C.Maths.





W: Simon , what do you like?

M : I like Maths. What about you, Kitty?

W: I like English best.


Where are they?

A.In the playground. B.On the bus. C.In the classroom.





W:  Good morning, class.

M:  Good morning, Miss Li.

W:  Sit down , please.


How old is Kitty’s mother?

A.34. B.40. C.44.





M:  How old is your father, Kitty?

W:  My parents are 40 years old, and I’m 14 years old.


When was Lily born?

A.On January 1st.     B .On March 8th.     C. On October 1st.





M: When is your birthday,Lily?

W: I was born on Women’s Day.