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更新时间:2024-04-20 19:50:13



A. We are going to see a film.
B. Have a good time!
C. When is her birthday?
D. This is Chen Jie.
E. What is Amy doing?

Mike: Hello.
Chen: Hello.______What are you doing?
Mike: I'm making a birthday card for my Grandma.
Mike: It's June 3rd. It's coming.
Chen: Happy birthday to her. ______
Mike: She is listening to music.
Chen: What are you going to do tomorrow?
Mike:______What about you?
Chen: I'm going to take a trip.
Chen: You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye.
Mike: OK. Bye.




A. We are going to see a film.我们打算去看电影。

B. Have a good time!玩得高兴。

C. When is her birthday?你的生日在什么时候?

D. This is Chen Jie.这是陈洁。

E. What is Amy doing?艾米正在做什么?

(1)根据对话内容知在打电话,Chen: Hello.这是陈洁接电话,所以答案是D。

(2)根据It's June 3rd. 知上句问时间,所以答案是C。

(3)根据She is listening to music.知上句问她正在做什么,所以答案是E。

(4)根据What are you going to do tomorrow?知问打算做什么,所以答案是A。

(5)根据I'm going to take a trip.知去旅行,要跟对方表示祝福,所以答案是B。

题型:补全对话 题类: 难度:较易 组卷次数:0
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