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更新时间:2024-04-24 08:54:39



As a young woman, my mother worked in the kitchen of a large farm owned by Fanny Cratty. She was hardworking and had a special skill in making delicious strawberry jam.

Aunt Fanny was single and had no children. She didn't like to share love with others. I thought she was very lonely, although she didn't mind it. She had a workshop where my mother helped her make the best strawberry jam, and everyone in our town bought it. But aunt Fanny asked my mother not to tell the recipe(秘方) of making the strawberry jam to others.

When the strawberries were ripe, my family would pick them together. We talked and laughed, experiencing the fun of picking strawberries. But aunt Fanny never joined us. She just asked us to pick strawberries quickly and make more strawberry jam to make more money for her. Each person in our town said that she just paid attention to money rather than anything else. What a poor woman! It's no use having too much money because she had no family and friends to share her happiness during her lifetime.

Maybe it was the recipe that brought success to aunt Fanny. But to me, it was just a common recipe. Money can make you feel rich for a while, but it is the beautiful days spent with family and friends that truly make you rich.

(1)Who owns the recipe of making the best strawberry jam?

A.The writer's mother.

B.The writer.

C.Aunt Fanny.

D.Fanny's mother.

(2)Why do people in the town think aunt Fanny is poor?

A.Because she needed to work hard in her workshop.

B.Because she paid attention to nothing except money.

C.Because she had no close friends to shared her success.

D.Because she always thought of helping others rather than herself.

(3)—What does the last word “rich” mean in this passage?

—It means ________.

A.the success of making strawberry jam

B.having the recipe and much money

C.the happiness, one's family and friends

D.owning a big house and the large farm







(1)A细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“She was hardworking and had a special skill in making delicious strawberry jam.” 她很勤劳,有一种特殊的制作美味的草莓酱的技巧。可知作者的妈妈拥有制作美味的草莓酱的食谱。答案为A。

(2)C细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Each person in our town said that she just paid attention to money rather than anything else. What a poor woman! It's no use having too much money because she had no family and friends to share her happiness during her lifetime.”可知,除了钱之外他什么也不关注。都认为她可怜,因为她没有家人和朋友在她的一生中分享她的幸福。答案为C。

(3)C词意猜测题。根据短文最后的句子“but it is the beautiful days spent with family and friends that truly make you rich.”使你真正富有的是与家人和朋友一起度过的美好时光。所以答案是C。

题型:阅读理解 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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