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更新时间:2024-04-20 09:40:54



Mr. White with his wife was now living at a small Italian hotel. Last year they had stayed in Italy for months on holiday. One night he went out for a walk 1 . It was late. The small street was dark and 2 . Suddenly he heard steps behind him. He 3 his head and saw a middle-aged woman with wild hair, who quickly walked past him. The woman was 4 out of sight when Mr. White suddenly found that his watch was 5 . He thought it was the passing woman who had taken his watch, 6 he ran quickly after her and soon caught up with her. As he knew 7 Italian, Mr. White had to ask the woman to 8 the watch in another way. He showed the woman his strong arms and pointed to her watch pocket. The woman thought a while and gave the watch to Mr. White.

Mr. White returned home and told his wife 9 had happened. He was greatly 10 when Mrs. White pointed to the watch on the table. Now he found it was he himself that had taken the Italian's watch.

(1)A.secretly B.lonely C.alone D.freely

(2)A.noisy B.busy C.bright D.quiet

(3)A.rose B.moved C.turned D.put

(4)A.nearly B.hardly C.mostly D.even

(5)A.losing B.going C.missing D.missed

(6)A.and B.so C.as D.but

(7)A.much B.no C.enough D.a little

(8)A.lend B.tell C.return D.keep

(9)A.what B.that C.why D.how

(10)A.angry B.surprised C.interested D.Pleased













主要内容:去年怀特夫妇去意大利度假。一天晚上怀特先生出去,一个意大利女人经过他身边,他发现他的手表不见了,由于他不会意大利语,他向那个女人展示自己的强壮的胳膊和指着她的手表,那个女人把表归还了他。回家后他向他的妻子讲述了他的遭遇。他的妻子指着桌子上的手表,他知道是他拿走了那个意大利女人的手表。(1)C考查副词。句意:有一天晚上,他独自出去散步。 A. secretly秘密地;B. lonely寂寞的,偏僻的;C. alone独自的;单独地;D. freely自由地;免费地;大量地;慷慨地;直率地。根据主语he和语境可知选C。(2)D考查形容词。句意:小街既黑暗又安静。A. noisy嘈杂的;喧闹的;B. busy忙碌的;热闹的;C. bright明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的;D. quiet明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的。根据下文Suddenly he heard steps behind him.结合语境可知选D。(3)C考查动词。句意:他转过头,看到一个中年妇女,头发散乱,迅速从他旁边走过。A. rose玫瑰;rise的过去式,升起;B. moved移动,移动到;感动;C. turned使变成(turn的过去式);转动;D. put放;表达;移动;安置。根据上文Suddenly he heard steps behind him.可知选C。(4)A考查副词。句意:那个女人几乎看不见了。A. nearly差不多,几乎;B. hardly几乎不,简直不;C. mostly主要地;通常;多半地;D. even甚至;即使。结合句意和语境可知选A。(5)C考查词义辨析。句意:当怀特先生突然发现他的手表不见了。A. losing失去;损失;B. going前进;出发;运转;C. missing错过(miss的ing形式);想念;漏掉;失踪的;缺少的;D. missed错过(miss的过去分词)。结合句意和语境可知选C。(6)B考查连词。句意:所以他跑得很快,不久就追上了她。A. and和,与;就;而且;但是;然后;B. so所以;因此;如此,这么;确是如此;C. as因为;随着;虽然;依照;当……时;D. but但是;而是;然而。根据前后句的关系可知因果关系,选B。(7)B考查不定代词。句意:由于他不懂意大利语。A. much非常,很;B. no没有;不是;C. enough足够地,充足地;充足的;D. a little一点儿,少量。 根据下文Mr. White had to ask the woman to 42 the watch in another way.结合句意可知选B。(8)C考查动词。句意:怀特先生不得不让那个女人用另一种方式返回手表。A. lend把……借;B. tell告诉;C. return返回;报答,归还;D. keep保存,保持,遵守,饲养。根据上文可知他的手表不见了,以及下文可知让她归还手表;结合句意可知选C。(9)A考查疑问词。句意:怀特先生回到家,告诉他的妻子发生了什么事。A. what 什么;B. that那;C. why为什么;D. 怎样。Happen发生,主语只能是物,发生了什么事:what happened?结合句意及语境可知选A。(10)B考查形容词的辨析及语境 A.angry生气的;B.surprised吃惊的;C.interested有趣的;D.pleased高兴的。句意:当Mrs. White指着桌子上的手表的时候,他特别地吃惊。根据题意。故选B。

题型:完型填空 题类: 难度:一般 组卷次数:0
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